Restoring what it means to be human.
Human trafficking isn’t an “over there” problem. It’s happening in every state in the United States, and it’s happening every day in our neighborhoods and businesses. Freekind exists to provide kindness, advocacy and resources to trafficking survivors while also working to prevent the next generation from being exploited.
What we do
Sexual violence is a community problem that needs a community response. We educate our community on the magnitude of the issue and provide industry-specific training to combat the systemic vulnerability that causes human trafficking. We offer industry-specific training and educational resources to increase awareness, prevention, and advocacy in order to build a network of partnerships and collaborations within our community to fight human trafficking together.
If we want to live in a world where people aren’t sold for sex, then our hyper-sexualized society must be transformed. We empower the next generation to prevent victimization and become advocates and leaders to end human trafficking by introducing the Prevention Project curriculum to our local middle and high schools, civic and church student groups. An affordable curriculum that can be integrated into Social Studies, Family Life or English, the Prevention Project is a comprehensive, turnkey curriculum that is updated annually and accessible to participating schools through an online portal.
Community strength is measured by the liberation of those who are marginalized. We create offramps to freedom for adult victims in our community, especially those who have been criminalized. Through our Offramps program, we seek to minimize revictimization and reincarceration by giving survivors an alternative path forward to a life of freedom. Our program helps identify victims, advocate for them in court, and provide them with the resources needed to be successful for life after human trafficking.
“Tonight, I’m sleeping in a house that I own! A house that has my name on the deed!! Never again will I have to wonder where I will sleep, or if I will be kicked out of the place I’m living. I have stability.”
— Janelle, Human Trafficking Survivor
Questions for us? Get in touch.
If you are in need of immediate assistance or wish to report suspected human trafficking,
please contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline:
Call 1 (888) 373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE)